About Us
Dakia Global is a social-purpose business created and run by creative technologists, pragmatic entrepreneurs, and conscious investors with a shared purpose and passion for creating high impact social benefit. We are a for-profit enterprise, with a social mission at our core.
Our interconnected entities each pursue goals to create economic, environmental and social value in the way they do business. They each have speed, agility, innovative capacity, and the potential for providing dignified and meaningful work; plus, they have the reach and connective technologies that can dramatically impact the well-being of individuals and communities.
Our vision is to accelerate Social, Environmental & Economic transformation in global communities.
Why we believe
this matters
We believe… that science and technology, when combined with the entrepreneurial use of conscious capital can transform business to become one of the most adaptable and transformational organizational forms ever invented by the human species.
We believe… that doing good and doing well are naturally intertwined; we know that good business does not need to sacrifice outstanding performance if it chooses to address society’s well being.
We believe… that business corporations will either destroy or save the planet. This is a pivot point for the planet and like everyone else, if we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem….
We choose to be part of the solution in everything we do.
Our Values
We see our business as being a part of a shared world. The resources we consume came from someplace before us, and as we transform them or consume them, what is left behind will be left for someone else. We believe in ‘paying it forward’, amplifying what we have received and passing it on.
Triple-Bottom Line
We focus on optimizing long term economic vitality, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility in everything we do. In the long run, no single stakeholder is greater than another.
Harnessed Diversity
We know it takes people with different orientations, ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural, ethnic & lifestyle backgrounds to make Dakia Global succeed. We harness the power of diversity by inclusiveness, encouraging healthy debate and differences of opinion.
Noble Integrity
We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. People trust us to adhere to our word. We say what we mean, we do what we say and we deliver what we promise. We believe in full disclosure and transparency.
Purpose Driven Entrepreneurialism
We use agile, purpose-driven business methods to achieve clearly defined financial, social, community and environmental goals and create a sense of meaning for our people.
Conscious Sustainability
We purposefully strive to minimize negative impact on the environment. We put back what we use and leave everything better than we found it.